Luis F Martinez
Computer Programmer and Engineer
About Me
Welcome to my site! My name is Luis Martinez, and I'm a software developer. I've worked in full-stack development, have ample experience in GNU/Linux administration, and have had management roles in high-stakes projects. During my time at Florida International University, I specialized in low-level applications; in my work experience, I've mainly done full-stack and database development.
Programming is my passion, and I always keep myself busy with at least one ongoing project at a time. These range from making websites, to developing indie games, to tinkering with breadboard microcontrollers, to making helper scripts for my GNU/Linux machines. I also enjoy strategy video games, tabletop board games, and reading in my free time. I'm a proponent of FOSS.
I am currently looking for work.
Professional Skills
Epic Systems
Full-Stack Developer, Database Administrator, and Project Manager
At Epic, I've worked on several key projects, some of which I held a management role in. I've directly worked with clients to establish project goals and expectations, managed teams of developers and quality assurance engineers, and led meetings to discuss designs and track development.
The technologies used range from full-stack application development, to database programming, to performance monitoring, to analytics gathering.
I've also held positions in internal support for Git and customer relations management.
Florida Power & Light (FPL)
Software Engineer Contractor
For my senior capstone project, I was contracted by FPL to design a collision detection system for their Miami fleet of bucket trucks.
Hackoween.dev - Personal Project
Full-Stack Developer
Hackoween was a website I maintained that generated programming challenges unique to each user. It also calculated the correct answer to each challenge, so the users can verify their solution.

M. Ruddell, MSDF
MEDEX Trainer / Former Senior Crime Laboratory Analyst
Luis' attention to detail was commendable, and his work showed careful thought and meticulousness... Without hesitation I can recommend him. He would clearly be an asset.

J. Bhimani, Ph.D.
In his time with me, he has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic, persistence, inquisitiveness, and flexibility. I believe these traits will help him to be successful in his future studies. Overall, I highly recommend Luis.